According to the sympatico/msn weather website:
Current Conditions: -11°C
A few clouds
Feels like : -21°C (this is the one that really matters)
Feels like : -21°C (this is the one that really matters)
Sometimes I wonder why we live here. OMG...I'm freezing my ass off. I don't want to leave the house b/c it's like walking out into a deep freezer. No thanks!
The worst part is that I have to go down to my storage and get out my winter clothes. I have to start wearing my long coat that is pretty much a sleeping bag with a hood. I have to wear thick pants and ugg-type footwear. AKA for the next 4 months, my style must suffer in order to not get frostbite. Everyone who lives here goes through it. And everyone gets fat b/c they wear baggy jogging pants or leggings everyday. OK. I'm starting to get depressed.
What happened to Fall? It was summer and then it started snowing. We've lost our transition seasons. Spring and Fall are nonexistant.
This is bullshit...