Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Song OBSESSION of the week - Brooklyn (We go hard)

I know iphone has this program that you can put your phone to the speaker and it will tell you what song it is.  My blackberry does not come with that program so I have to do it the old fashion way.  I try to remember some lines to the song and google when I get home.


So anyway...I've been playing this song at work on repeat and wanting to "WILE OUT" as the kids say.


It's JAY-Z feat. Santogold...  Apparently I love Santogold because this is not the first song I've loved by her.  "The Creator" was the song that originally caught my attention.  Her sound is like M.I.A. x yeah yeah yeahs x nelly furtado?  I don't know..

All I know is that this song with JAY-Z has almost made me want to go out tonight just so I could request it at the club and hear it LOUD.


Jay-Z + Santogold = Loooooove this song


Brooklyn (We Go Hard) (Ft. Santogold) - Jay-Z